Pumpkin Jap/Ken Special

Pumpkin Jap/Ken Special

Also called the Jap or Delica. Small pumpkin usually between 1 and 3kg. Mottled green and yellow skin. Golden yellow flesh. Very sweet taste. Said to resemble sweet potato in texture and taste. Many different Japanese varieties are grown, such…

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Bright green leaf is finely scalloped and broad. Pungent, distinct scent and flavour. Round branching stem which is pale green and finely grooved. Add fresh leaves to curries and Thai dishes, stews, salads, sauces and use as a garnish. Coriander…

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Fruit is ovoid. 250mm in length. Outer husk, thick and fibrous enclosing a hard, boney shell. Inside the shell is the white flesh of the coconut. When unripe the large cavity is filled with milky fluid, ripe fruit is only…

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From the same family as onions, leeks and garlic. Resemble trim tufts of grass.Cylindrical leaves. A mild onion flavour. Grow to a length of 20 – 30cm. Dark green. Chop finely and sprinkle over salads, sandwiches and soups. Use as…

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There are a great man species of chillies, which are the fleshy pods of shrub-like bushes of he capsicum family. Chillies range from large to small, and colours include green, white, purple, pink, and red. Curiously, although synonymous with Indian…

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Chickpeas have been grown for thousands of years in the Middle East and Mediterranean regions and have been found in archaeological sites dating back to 3500 BC. A member of the pea family, chickpeas are small (5 to 10 mm)…

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A large tree up to 40 m, chestnuts are members of the beech family. A number of species and hybrids are used in nut production. Nuts are borne in a round, spiky capsule that are called ‘conkers’. The nuts are…

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A variety of celery which forms an enlarged solid, edible tuber just below the soil surface. Brownish white in colour. Has a gnarled appearance. Leaves and stalks are similar to celery although a little darker in colour. Celeriac is suited…

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Cashew Nut

Cashew Nut

Cashew trees are native to Brazil, where they are called ‘caju’ now widely cultivated in tropical regions. The fruits are also eaten, or juiced and have a beautiful nutty flavour Fruits are very short-lived, however, so are only available close…

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Green/yellow, waxy, thin skin. Star shaped in cross section. Crisp juicy flesh which is a transparent yellow/white. Usually sweet – similar taste to an apple. 4-5 seeds. Fruits are oval in shape, 80-200mm in length, and 60 – 100mm in…

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Buk Choy

Buk Choy

Buk choy literally means “white vegetable” in Cantonese. Baby buk choy is a dwarfed variety up to 20cm tall and is sometimes called “Moonbuk” or “Gongmoon buk choy”. It is almost like two vegetables in one, the thick, juicy stems…

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Brown Onion

Brown Onion

Large brown skinned globe shaped onions. White flesh. Can be pungent (hot) or sweet. Sweet varieties have a high sugar content and low pungency. Long lasting: can be kept in a cool dark place (not the fridge) for several weeks.…

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