Wombok – Chinese Cabbage

Wombok – Chinese Cabbage

Light green/white leaves. Tightly packed into an elongated head. Similar in flavour to ordinary cabbage although, slightly sweeter. While the green leaves can be slightly peppery, the thick white ribs are sweet and juicy. The inner leaves are particularly tender…

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Related to the lettuce, endive, artichoke and raddichio. Narrow, elongated bulbous clusters of leaves. 15cm in height. 5cm in diameter. Witlof can be cooked by steaming, boiling or microwaving. Witlof is cultivated in two stages. Firstly, witlof is grown from…

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Flat and circular with scalloped edge. Botanically a fruit. Skin is either pale green or golden yellow depending on variety. Flesh is white and crisp. Small, soft, edible seeds. Squash varieties will not tolerate frosts, therefore winter planting should be…

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Shallot – Onion

Shallot – Onion

The name of the shallot derives from the name of the city of Ashkelon (Latin “Ascalon’) in ancient Canaan, in Italian its name is “scalogno”. Unlike onions where each plant normally forms a single bulb, shallots form clusters of offsets,…

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Small, low growing root vegetable. Turnip or globe shaped. 25-30mm in diameter. Scarlet/bright red skin. Some varieties are white skinned. Strong, sharp, aromatic pepper flavour. Remove roots and stalks and wash in cold water. Serve whole or sliced as hors-d’oeu-vre,…

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Botanically a pome, closely related to the apple and pear. Generally pear shaped and hard. Yellow skin, tinged with green, covered with a fine down. Golden yellow flesh is also hard and acid. The quince is a deciduous tree that…

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Prickly Pear

Prickly Pear

Pear shaped fruit, 6-8cm in length. Small spines scattered over the surface of the fruit. Skin is yellow/orange/crimson. Flesh is delicately sweet and may be white, yellow or crimson depending on variety. Small hard edible seeds. Indian Figs or prickly…

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Small spreading plant with stems that grow 40-60cm high. The potato is actually a tuber which grows underground on the roots of the plant. The plant is grown from the eye or bud on the tuber. Potatoes are easily prepared…

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An annual plant in the pea family that is native to South America. Peanuts are not true nuts: they are found underground when ripe and are technically called a woody legume. Each legume has a rough light brown coat, is…

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Pea Sugarsnap

Pea Sugarsnap

Like a normal green pea pod in appearance. A pea pod which snaps or breaks like a green bean. Seeds are allowed to mature and become fully rounded pods have thick walls and are sweet and edible, except for the…

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Snow Pea

Snow Pea

Completely flat pod. Bright green in colour. No seed development. Pod and pea is eaten whole. Edible podded peas grow in cool, moist conditions. The crop is sensitive to heat. Pods can be damaged by frost, but stems and foliage…

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Technically a pear. Round in shape, like an apple. Cream/white flesh which is firm, crisp and juicy. Skin is green/yellow. Skin is russeted (brown speckled). Has the appearance and texture of an apple and the flavour of a pear. The…

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